Congratulations to all of our Red Ribbon winners!
Huge shout out to Mia Sanchez from Logansport High School
she won the Mural contest, stay tuned for updates!
Cass County's LCC meets the second Monday of each month at Revolution Community Church and Zoom from 12pm-1pm. This meeting is open to all.
Each county has a Local Coordinating Council (LCC), which is the planning and coordinating body for addressing alcohol and other drug problems. Members include volunteers from a variety of organizations including education, treatment, social services, and local police. LCCs are required to submit a Comprehensive Community Plan, which consists of an assessment of the local alcohol and other drug abuse problems in the county, including problem identification and supportive data; a listing of proposed objectives to help alleviate the stated problems; and an evaluation component designed to measure the success of the plan's strategies.
Comprehensive Community Plan
The Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) is a systematic and community-driven gathering, analysis, and reporting of community-level indicators for the purpose of identifying and addressing local substance use problems through SMART goals. Each year, the LCC will update the SMART goals based on emerging and newly-identified problems. Ultimately, the CCP enables an LCC to maximize its efforts, understand existing resources and implement practices and policies to meet its goals of reducing substance use within the community. Watch this video for more detailed description.
Here is the 2024-2025 CCP
Each year the LCC collects community perception surveys. This is how we decide what our CCP will address for our community. If you would like to fill out the survey for 2024 please click here. To see last year's results please click here.
Each year LCC's across the state receive and release funds to organizations/businesses (members) in prevention, law enforcement, and treatment categories. To be considered an active member you must attend at least six meetings and volunteer at least 2 hours at an event through the fiscal year. The fiscal year for Cass County's LCC is April 1- March 31st each year. Your applications must connect to the SMART goals set by the local LCC's.
ICJI oversees the local coordinating council for each County in Indiana.
The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) is the State planning agency for criminal justice, juvenile justice, traffic safety and victim services. ICJI is designated as the State Administering Agency for distribution of federal funds, and as the State Statistical Analysis Center for research.
Further, ICJI is responsible for coordinating and collaborating with local, state and federal entities to identify, assess, plan, resource and evaluate new and emerging issues facing the criminal justice and public safety spectrum. ICJI works with local, state, and federal entities to evaluate programs associated with: prevention, detection & solution of crimes; law enforcement and criminal/juvenile justice, in an effort to improve and coordinate all aspects of law enforcement and criminal/juvenile justice.
In addition, ICJI works to develop new methods for the prevention & reduction of crime, while stimulating research & compiling and analyzing information/data for dissemination to decision makers.
ICJI provides a Policies and Procedures Manual for each LCC to follow.
Indiana Coalition Network is a collaboration among Local Coordinating Councils (LCCs) throughout the state to work together toward a common goal of building safe, healthy and drug free communities.
Thank you to our Community Partners:
Youth Services Alliance
Logansport Police Department
Cass County Sheriff's Department
Cass County Juvenile Probation
Cass/Pulaski Community Corrections
Heart and Soil Farm
Indiana Youth Institute
Bowen Health
Snyder Counseling
Cass County Coroner's Office
Cass County Health Department
Father's House
Celebrate Recovery
Project HOPE 929 Inc.
4C Health
Women at the Well
VA Services
LITE Recovery Cafe
and community volunteers
Please consider taking the 2024/25 Community Perception Survey