Read the Week 6 topic below and answer the question for a chance to win a prize!
Week 6 Topic: The Three C's of Effective Decision-Making
Just like you, your child is faced with many decisions every day, some are small or simple and sometimes there are challenging ones.
When you stop to think about it a person makes many decisions every day and some of those decisions are very important. It is good to teach ourselves and our child when thinking about decisions, what influenced us to make that decision.
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Botvin Life-Skills Curriculum
Personal Self-Management Skills – Students develop skills that help them enhance self-esteem, develop problem-solving abilities, reduce stress and anxiety, and manage anger for better mental health.
General Social Skills – Students gain skills to meet personal challenges such as overcoming shyness, communicating clearly, building relationships, and avoiding violence.
Drug Resistance Skills – Students learn skills that help them build effective defenses against pressures to use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.